Friday, 4 December 2020





Corruption begins when a meritorious person entering job-market to realize that nepotically hired people of lower merit are holding better positions. Or if he/she pays some reasonable amount of bribery he/she can be hired without any strict evaluation criteria. This demotivates a worthy worker from achieving the best for himself or for his organization. Professionalism decline and corruption in system aligns. Corruption although is global issue but corruption in 3rd world countries becomes huge problem for economy of the country.


 The accountable most factor for this abrupt increase is the decrease focus of nations on petty corruption and instead complaining more and more about grand and systemic corruption. Small scale corruption being so widespread and normalized in 3rd world countries that almost every person from the Milkman who delivers milk after adulteration with water, to our grocery seller who pre-sets the weight machine. From sometimes traffic police who after taking little bribery leaves the license -less without filing challan, to some civilian who drive the road wrong-way to save petrol.. From those irresponsible civilian who does not go to cast vote, to some of  government people  who claims to evoke revolutions yet end up louting the country.

Societies these days are becoming so corrupt where breaking a law is common and greed for benefit is replacing the preoccupied morale. We break traffic signal without any hesitation, we steal and spoil the public properties in Parks, museum and misuse the facilities/programs created by government . We celebrate independence day by blocking the traffic and firing the bullets up on the sky and call ourselves patriots. And then we blame it all on the government for being corrupt.


 Corruption, is although a very familiar term of our everyday life but we use it only to highlight the losses in GDP that our government has caused and never to realize our own roles that might encourage it. Failing to realize, that abusing one’s power for one’s private gain or even any dishonesty/criminal offense undertaken to acquire illicit benefit is considered as corruption. Embezzlement is corruption where we attempt financial fraud by withholding assets to gain more money. And so is Extortion. No doubt we should always stand against corruptions like money laundering and manipulating elections. But can we accept the acquiring of fake degrees? and bribery-based grade improvements?

A single nepotically hired person can create holes in the system, leading to inefficient system which no longer can achieve timely goals appropriately. This useless delay causes huge losses to not only entire organization but also the society that it serve and eventually the economy of a country in a long run.


Fighting the corruption cannot happen with the swirl of magic wand. It takes patience, effort and efficient strategies to improve. Essential of all is the change of our discreet educational system. Also is the curriculum where more effort to create moral and political awareness among young future leaders should be done. Some training system and strict evaluation system for teachers like in Finland must be induced. Stricter rule of law should be imposed. Employment opportunities should be enhanced in govt organizations to enhance quality and quantity of work. Accountability system for authorities and leaders should be improved. Being a democratic country Transparency of utilization of public funds by political leaders should be maintained. And principally Judiciary and news-based Media should always be independent.

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